Jawaban "The Shoes In The Dialogue Above Is A ...... *  Formal Shoes Colorful Shoes Sporty Shoes Casual Shoe..."

Sedang mencari cara mengerjakan tentang The shoes in the dialogue above is a ...... *  Formal shoes Colorful shoes Sporty shoes Casual shoe...? Bila iya, teman-teman telah ada di web yang benar.

Kami telah menyusun 2 cara menyelesaikan mengenai The shoes in the dialogue above is a ...... *  Formal shoes Colorful shoes Sporty shoes Casual shoe.... Monggo baca jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

The Shoes In The Dialogue Above Is A ...... *

Formal Shoes

Colorful Shoes

Sporty Shoes

Casual Shoes

Jawaban: #1:


sporty shoes


because Amir search the shoes

Jawaban: #2:


sporty shoes


di teks terdapat percakapan " it is sporty shoes. they are Made in canvas...."

Nah itulah jawaban tentang soal di atas, semoga dapat membantu!

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Disclaimer: Setelah usaha, jangan lupa berdoa.

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