Jawaban "What Happened In Manchester??"

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Kami telah menyiapkan 2 cara mengerjakan mengenai What happened in manchester??. Silakan lihat cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

What Happened In Manchester??

Jawaban: #1: There was a terorist attack that killed many innocent concert-goers that attended Ariana Grande's performance in Manchester just a few days ago. The victims all range from a 50 year old to an 8 year old child. Police is still doing an investigation, though, there are claims that they have found the culprit behind the attack. A man by the name of Salman Abedi has been pinned down as the culprit behind the Manchester attack. Jawaban: #2: There was a terror bomb inside Ariana Grande's concert on May 2017. About 22 people were killed, a lot got injured. Some sources said that it was a suicide bombing.

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