Jawaban "Buatlah Dialog Bahasa Inggris Dengan Situasi Ini. Your Car Is Suddenly Broken In Your Way To Your Fa..."

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Kami sudah memiliki 1 cara menjawab dari Buatlah dialog bahasa inggris dengan situasi ini. your car is suddenly broken in your way to your fa.... OK, langsung saja baca kunci jawabannya selengkapnya di bawah ini:

Buatlah Dialog Bahasa Inggris Dengan Situasi Ini.

your Car Is Suddenly Broken In Your Way To Your Family's House. You Phone The Car Service Facilities. Ask The Operator Whether The Company Can Deliver The Mechanic Man, Tell Also The Problem Of Car Engine (for Example The Ac Is Off, Or The Car Engine Is Suddenly Off Or Etc). Ask Also If You Must Pay The Service, And How Mucy The Cost.​

Jawaban: #1:

Conversation :

You : "Hello! Good afternoon, is this car mechanic ABC"

Car Mechanic : "Yes! May i know how i can help you?"

You: "My car broke on the high way at ABC street can you send someone here? "

Car Mechanic : " Sure, but before that can we know what is the chronologies so we can assist you better?"

You: " Sure, i think my engine had a problem, the aircon feel so off and suddenly my engine just off by itself and oh ! I saw a light smoke coming up from the front engine"

Car Mechanic : "Understand sir, we will come in around 30mins - 1hr, anything else that we can help?"

You: "How much the service will cost? Can i use my insurance?"

Car Mechanic : "For this service, you can reimburse with your insurance provider, for the mechanic fee will be IDR 250,000 and if there is towing needed will be additional IDR 500,000"

You: "Understand, will wait you here"

Nah itulah cara menjawab tentang "Buatlah dialog bahasa inggris dengan situasi ini. your car is suddenly broken in your way to your fa...", semoga bisa membantu!

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Pesan Admin: Setelah usaha, jangan lupa berdoa.

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