Jawaban "Tolong Di Bantu Contohnya Seperti Ini (+) Juspen Repairs The Auxiliary Engine (-) Juspen Doesn't Rep..."

Berlatih materi pelajaran dengan metoda menjawab contoh pertanyaan ternyata lebih efisien bila dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan strategi ini kita akan lebih mudah mengerti makna dari mata pelajaran tsb sehingga dapat membantu kita lebih siap tes.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara menjawab atas tolong di bantu contohnya seperti ini (+) juspen repairs the auxiliary engine (-) juspen doesn't rep.... Monggo baca cara mengerjakannya selanjutnya disini:

Tolong Di Bantu
contohnya Seperti Ini

(+) Juspen Repairs The Auxiliary Engine
(-) Juspen Doesn't Repair The Auxiliary Engine
(?) Does Juspen Repair The Auxiliary Engine

Jawaban: #1: 1. (-) The cadet doesn't clean the deck
(?) Does the cadet clean the deck?

2. (-) He isn't on board the ship
(?) Is he on board the ship?

3. (-) I don't try to meet the captain
(?) Do I try to meet the captain?

4. (-) The tanker doesn't carry liquid cargoes
(?) Does the tanker carry liquid cargoes?

5. (-) The passenger ship doesn't leave the port at 5 p.m
(?) Does the passenger ship leave the port at 5 p.m?

6. (-) Everyone musn't know his or her own duty
(?) Must everyone know his or her own duty?

7. (-) The captain doesn't call the first mate to help him
(?) Does the captain call the first mate to help him?

8. (-) We don't study english every weekend
(?) Do we study english every weekend?

9. (-) Suyono doesn't eat banana this morning
(?) Does suyono eat banana this morning?

10. (-) Hairuddin doesn't always start the main engine
(?) Does Hairuddin always start the main engine?

Jangan lupa bookmark dan infokan ke sobat lainnya ya ...

Pesan Admin: Tiada gading yang tak retak, menggunakan berbagai referensi akan lebih baik.

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